by Greg Martin | Jun 4, 2019 | Book Review
It has been said that everyone has between 4 and 7 critical moments in their life, when you make a decision that will significantly impact every day that follows. Wednesday August 23, 2017 was one of those days for me. I at the house of a friend at Port Aransas,...
by Greg Martin | May 28, 2019 | Strategic Banking
One of the most difficult things that I have ever done was to graduate from the US Army’s Ranger School. This school literally breaks you down and puts you in impossibly stressful situations to teach you how to lead when you have had little to no sleep, food, or...
by Greg Martin | May 14, 2019 | Book Review
About 20 years ago I was helping a friend move out of their apartment and they had a box of old dishes that we were going to throw away, so we decided to try and break the world record for plate spinning. Of course, we had no experience in this, but it sounded fun, we...
by Greg Martin | May 7, 2019 | Leadership
Have you ever had an experience that simultaneously rocked your world and provided clarity for the future? I have, and it happened last year at the Bank on Purpose (BoP) Conference hosted by Precision Lender. This conference is dedicated to the commercial banking...
by Greg Martin | Apr 30, 2019 | Strategic Banking
Have you ever played “Would You Rather”? My 10-year old son loves to play, and this is usually how it goes: Would you rather swim with a megalodon while wearing T-Bone swimming trunks or run a marathon in the lightning storm while wearing a hat with a lightning rod?...