Have you ever created something out of nothing? I once had a friend who was a builder and he had the amazing ability to take a vision in his head and bring it into the world. Much of the time it was without plans. Rick had the gift of vision and the ability to communicate that vision to his team. He created some of the most beautiful homes I have ever set foot in.
As the leader of a fast-growing company, you probably realize the benefits of being agile and pivoting quickly. You probably also know that, like my friend Rick, having a vision is critical to creating something that right now only exists in your dreams. But how do you do that? How do you tackle the task of casting a vision that will be the guiding star for your company for the next 10 years? I have worked with a lot of entrepreneurs who vision cast properly, and here is what I have learned:
1. Dream BIG and don’t allow your words to limit you. This may seem a bit counter-intuitive, but don’t allow yourself to set a vision that limits you. For example, casting a vision that you are going to be the #1 HVAC service provider in your town sounds great, but why are you limiting yourself to just your town? Remember it is a defining vision – dream BIG!
2. Your vision can be anything, but it HAS in line with your values. Many entrepreneurs have key words or phrases to concisely communicate who they are and what they stand for. These are also known as core values. If your vision is not in line with your values, then you are either living a lie or wasting your time.
3. Your vision should be clear, clear and fuzzy. What in the world does that mean? It means that you should be clear on where you are, clear on where you want to go, and fuzzy on how you get from here to there. Remember, 10 years ago no one knew what an iPhone was; 15 years ago, Facebook didn’t exist; and no one ever wanted to grow up to be a YouTube influencer. How you are going to achieve your vision may be different than what you think today. The key is to have a clear vision and the courage to take the next step, even if it is fuzzy.
4. Share your vision with your team. The best plan in the world is meaningless if it is sitting on a shelf. Unless you are a solo-preneur and your vision is to stay a solo-preneur, you need to build a team. Every team needs direction and your vision is exactly what they need. By sharing your vision, they can catch it and find ways for their position to support it. I learned in the Army that the best leaders provide a clear vision and then sit back and let the team surprise you with how they accomplish it.
5. Just do it! I know the challenge of looking into a crystal ball and pulling out a vision is difficult. But really, you are an entrepreneur, difficult is what you do ALL day EVERY day. Find the quiet space to reflect on what you want to do and cast your vision. I know it may be hard, but I also know that it will be worth it.
Being an entrepreneur is one of the most difficult and demanding things you can do. The good news is that entrepreneurship today is a team sport. Hit the connect button on LinkedIn or Facebook NOW and together we will work towards hitting your 10-year vision. Along the way we will increase your profit, strengthen your leadership skills and define your strategic vision. This will lead to confidence in your path, freedom to dream up bigger targets and a strategic banking relationship. When we connect, tell me about your 10-year vision.
Greg Martin is an entrepreneur’s insider to the banking industry and passionately believes that every person was uniquely designed for a higher purpose and calling. Greg guides entrepreneurs in defining and achieving their purpose and calling. His deepest passion is living life with his wife and their wonderful son.
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College Station, Texas
(910) 257-8286