How to Choose the BEST Loan Structure

How to Choose the BEST Loan Structure

This may be the easiest question you ever have to answer, right? “I want the loan that is going to cost me the least” – duh! However, unless you critically analyze your options you may be hurting yourself. Many entrepreneurs have only known record low interest rates;...


Since launching The Entrepreneur’s Banker a few weeks ago, I have been able to connect with some of the most inspirational entrepreneurs imaginable. In all the conversations, a question that has been repeated is: “Greg, I realize that my current banker is not acting...
Why Should I Listen To My Banker?

Why Should I Listen To My Banker?

I recently sat on a panel at an entrepreneur forum and was asked “Entrepreneurs want mentors that lived what they live and done what they want to do. 99.9% of bankers out there have never created, grew or sold a business. Why should I listen to them? They have never...